Advanced Digital Skills on Blockchain for Trusted Food Supply Chains

Advanced Digital Skills on Blockchain for Trusted Food Supply Chains

Project Acronym:


Funding Program:

Digital Europe

Implementation Duration:

May 2022 – December 2025



  • The project aims to support and develop advanced digital skills among employed individuals, focusing on SMEs, as well as job seekers. It will provide access to specialized training courses reflecting the latest developments in Blockchain technologies applied holistically to the food supply chain.


  • Provide specialized training in Blockchain Technology (BCT) to enhance digital skills, focusing on the needs of the agri-food sector;
  • Develop and deliver BCT courses specifically designed for agrifood SMEs, ensuring relevance and practical application in the industry;
  • Increase the number of professionals capable of implementing digital solutions using blockchain across various sectors, with a focus on the agri-food industry;
  • Offer flexible, high-quality training options, including both online and on-site formats, to accommodate different learning needs and preferences;
  • Integrate Green Blockchain concepts into the curriculum, focusing on sustainable practices in food production and supply chain management;
  • Accelerate the uptake of blockchain technology in Europe, particularly in the agri-food sector, by providing accessible and up-to-date training;
  • Tackle key societal challenges such as environmental protection and climate change through the application of blockchain in the agri-food sector.


AgroTransilvania Cluster is part of a consortium of 14 partners from 10 European countries:

  1. Rezos Brands Anonymi Emporiki Eteria Idon Diatrofis;
  2. Smart Agro Hub Anonymi Etairia;
  3. EDEX – Educational Excellence Corporation Limited;
  4. Wageningen University;
  5. Unisystems Luxembourg SARL;
  6. Uni Systems Systimata Pliroforikis Monoprosopi Anonymi Emporiki Etairia;
  7. Ubitech Limited;
  8. Kyiv Academic University;
  9. Solutions LLC;
  10. Udruga za Razvoj Suradnje na Unaprjedenju Tehnologije u Prehrambenom Sektoru, Zelena Tocka Trans – Center Zatrajnostni Razvoj, Z.O.O.;
  11. Geoponiko Panepistimion Athinon;
  12. Rete Internazionale per le Piccolee Medie Imprese;
  13. Asociatia Clusterul Agro-Food-Ind Napoca;
  14. Lietuvos Maisto Eksportuotoju Asociacija (LITMEA).


  • Conducting a review focused on methods, theories, and technologies used for digital education;
  • Collecting and analyzing functional requirements and technical specifications for all subsystems;
  • Disseminating project results to potential users;
  • Communicating the project and its results to the general public, investors, and the media;
  • Actively involving key targeted actors;
  • Grouping the project with other projects and initiatives implementing digital solutions for the food supply chain.

Countries where activities are carried out:

  1. Greece;
  2. Cyprus;
  3. Netherlands;
  4. Luxembourg;
  5. Ukraine;
  6. Croatia;
  7. Slovenia;
  8. Italy;
  9. Romania;
  10. Lithuania.

Project value:

2.657.625,85 EURO

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