Cold-Pressed Oils – Tradition from the Heart of Transylvania

Cold-Pressed Oils – Tradition from the Heart of Transylvania

Funding Program:

National Rural Development Program-Submeasure 16.4

Implementation Duration:

21 months



  • The general objective of the project is to stimulate cooperation among local actors to establish a local market exclusively through a short supply chain for marketing cold-pressed oils, within 21 months from the signing of the funding contract.


  • Development and promotion of a short supply chain between partners acting as farmers and the lead processor of the partnership;
  • Raising consumer awareness about the importance of consuming products from short supply chains/local markets through online and offline promotional campaigns;
  • Strengthening the competitive position of the partnership members and consequently consolidating the short supply chain and local market.


For the implementation of this project, a partnership consisting of 3 members was formed:

  • Taf Presoil SRL;
  • Solex SRL;
  • Agro-Food-Ind Napoca Cluster Association.


  • Activities related to the smooth running of the partnership:
    • Coordination and management of the partnership;
    • Reducing the financial pressure on the trader by covering during the implementation period the costs of renting agricultural machinery, IT equipment, and marketing stands.
  • Conducting an online and offline promotional campaign for the partnership, the concept of the short supply chain, local market, and the products to be marketed;
  • Organizing events to promote the partnership.

Project value:

905.936,68 RON

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