European Network to promote grazing and to support grazing-based farms on their economic and ecological performances as well as on animal welfare

European Network to promote grazing and to support grazing-based farms on their economic and ecological performances as well as on animal welfare

Project Acronym:


Funding Program:

Horizon Europe

Implementation Duration:

September 2022 – February 2026



  • Grazing4AgroEcology aims to support farmers in implementing grazing-based systems as a practice beneficial for the environment, animals, and population, to produce healthier food with a reduced impact on natural resources. The project will have a combined approach based on collaboration and knowledge exchange, actively involving relevant actors from farmers to industry, educational environment, researchers, advisors, and the general public. This will improve the absorption of innovation capital and significantly contribute to enhancing the transferability of best practices and innovations.


  • Implementing a new approach for assessing and optimizing grazing-based agriculture in an integrated, agroecological manner, meeting economic, ecological, societal, and animal welfare requirements, triggering innovation through farmer self-assessment;
  • Capturing practical needs, reaching and sharing best practices through a partner farm in the network and surveys;
  • Strengthening the AKIS grazing group by implementing a cross-border infrastructure system for co-creation, collaboration, cross-fertilization, and knowledge exchange, and for impacting the mindset of the next generation of farmers;
  • Implementing large-scale structures to constantly collaborate and sustainably implement the transfer of know-how and innovations.


  1. Grünlandzentrum e.V.;
  2. Georg-August-Universität Göttingen;
  3. TEAGASC – Agriculture and Food Development Authority;
  4. Goldcrop Limited;
  5. Centro di Sperimentazione Laimburg;
  6. Genossenschaft Bioland Südtirol landw. Ges.;
  7. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche;
  8. Chambre régionale d´Agriculture de Bretagne;
  9. Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique;
  10. Institut de L´Elevage;
  11. Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet;
  12. Svenska Vallföreningen;
  13. Consulai;
  14. Universidade de Evora;
  15. Stichting Aeres Groep;
  16. Zuidelijke land- en tuinbouworganisatie Vereniging;
  17. Universitatea de Stiinte Agricole si Medicina Veterinara Cluj-Napoca;
  18. Asociaţia Clusterul Agro-Food-Ind Napoca.


  • Farmer self-assessment for their agro-ecological performance in grazing;
  • Conducting context analysis for improving transferability and spreading best practices;
  • Understanding the mindset of young farmers;
  • Inventorying and analyzing suitable communication channels and monitoring the plan for dissemination, communication, and exploitation of results;
  • Creating a project website;
  • Expanding the network’s impact and the project’s results.

Countries where activities are carried out:

  1. Germany;
  2. Ireland;
  3. Italy;
  4. France;
  5. Sweden;
  6. Portugal;
  7. Netherlands;
  8. Romania.

Project value:

2.999.997,50 EURO

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