“8 X S3 = Intelligent Romania”
Financing program:
Operational Programme Administrative Capacity, priority axis “Public administration and efficient judicial systems”
Implementation period:
September 2018 – January 2020
The objective of the project is “Formulation and promotion of a set of alternative public policies in order to increase the competitiveness of Romanian regions.”
The project proposed the following: creation of a model of regional structure capable of formulating and promoting alternative proposals to governmental public policies in the field of competitiveness through the Strategy of the Agro-Food-Ind Napoca Cluster Association – AgroTransilvania Cluster – proposals for monitoring and updating regional smart specialization strategies (S3) and the multiplication of the support model for the generation of governmental public policy proposals, based on the regionally relevant structures, at the level of all regions in Romania.
Project value:
947,447,86 LEI