“AgroTransilvania Cluster- Innovative Cluster specialized in bioeconomy”

Operational Programme Competitiveness
Project title: “AgroTransilvania Cluster – Innovative cluster specialized in the field of bioeconomy”.
Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.
Financing program:
Operational Programme Competitiveness 2014-2020, priority axis „Research, technological development and innovation (RDI) to support economic competitiveness and business development”
Implementation period:
September 2016 – December 2023
The objective of the project is to “increase the capacity of RDI in the field of bioeconomy and strengthen the national and international image of AgroTransilvania Cluster, as an innovative cluster of intelligent specialization”, by creating the “Center for Advanced Research for Innovative Food Products and Processes”.
The project will also create 7 research laboratories (Laboratory for the determination of mycotoxins / allergens in food and the development of food dyes from natural sources, Laboratory for sensory analysis, Laboratory for control and safety of milk and dairy products, Laboratory for instrumental analysis, Laboratory for control and safety of meat and meat products, Genomics Laboratory, Feed Control and Safety Laboratory) for the development of new research activities and directions in the field of food safety, accessibility and nutritional optimization, development of research and development of activities within the cluster by detaching qualified staff during the project, the creation of an operational structure, consisting of the employees of the cluster, the development of the visibility of the cluster by organizing and participating in events for the purpose of the project, as well as the development of special consulting services and customized for members.
Project value:
17.259.994,44 LEI