
Financing program:

Operational Programme Human Capital 2014 – 2020, priority axis “Jobs for all”

Implementation Period:

January 2018 – January 2021


The project was carried out in partnership with 6 partners:

  • Civitta Strategy & Consulting SA,
  • University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca,
  • Transylvanian Furniture Cluster Association,
  • Ropot Association,
  • University of Oradea,
  • Transylvania Branch of the Romanian Association for Electronics and Software.

The overall objective of the project is to develop entrepreneurial skills and support business initiatives by promoting entrepreneurial culture in the North West region, ensuring access to integrated counseling activities, business start-up support, assistance, mentoring and training.

Goals of the project:

  1. Development of entrepreneurial and managerial skills of 440 people in the target group in a training program.
  2. Stimulating self-employment by supporting 49 entrepreneurs, who will benefit from an investment grant for the development of a business, amounting to 36,000 euros.
  3. Ensuring a permanent counseling / mentoring program for businesses developed within the 36 months of implementation and 12 months after the completion of the project through the support mechanisms developed (consulting hours, introduction to the cluster network, participation in networking events).
  4. Promoting the entrepreneurial culture by raising awareness about the opportunities offered by entrepreneurship, through a promotion and information campaign, as well as highlighting successful examples.

Project value:

12.986.953,06 LEI

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