Alina MagdașLaboratory director for the determination of mycotoxins and allergens in food and the development of new products with natural additives (dyes and preservatives)

Dr. Dana Alina Magdas is the coordinator of the Mass Spectromy, Cromatography and Applied Physics Department of the National Institute for Research-Development and Izotopic and Molecular Tehnologies of Cluj-Napoca. Her main research subjects involve the development of new analytical methods which in collaboration with supervised statistical methods or artificial intelligence can lead to the development of new models for food and drinks recognition in relation to different predetermined criteria (ex. Geographical origins, botanical origins, year of production, producer, etc). Until now, she coordinated 12 projects (national and international) and industry related contracts as Director or Manager. Within the years, over 100 ISI articles, 1 book and 5 chapters of books have been published by international prestigious publishings and numerous participations at international conferences.
- 2017 – present: Head of RD department, CLUSTERUL AGRO-FOOD-IND NAPOCA Association;
- 2006 – prezent: AC, CS III, CS I/ head of department “Mass spectrometry, chromatography and the physics of ions” , National Institute for Research-Development for Izotopic and Molecular Tehnologies, INCDTIM Cluj Napoca;
- 2008 – Eco-Management Studies, Tehnical University of Cluj-Napoca;
- 2003 – 2007: PhD in Physics, Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca.
Other specializations and qualifications:
- Tehnical Representative of Romania at the “EU-Network ERC-CWS- European Reference Centre for Control in the Wine Sector”, coordinated by JRC, Geel, Belgium;
- Member in the management comity of actions COST:
- CA 18225:”Taste and Odor in early diagnosis of source and drinking Water Problems”, 2019 – 2022
- TD 1407: “Network on Technology-Critical Elements: From Environment Processes to Human Health Threats”,2015 – 2019